Hi everyone, this is IT Weekly and I’m Chris Engler

This week’s episode in on the cloud, and was inspired by a recent article about cloud-based IT and business maturity.

The cloud has been around for as long as there’s been an internet.  As computing power, bandwidth, and technology improve, more and more services move to the cloud.  Businesses have been slowly adopting these services as demand for scalability and flexibility have grown.  That behavior changed abruptly when COVID-19 hit.  Due to sudden social distancing restrictions nearly all businesses had an immediately need for what the cloud has to offer.

Businesses flocked to the cloud which served as a lifeline and source of reinvention.  As a result platforms such as Office365, G-Suite, and Zoom saw surprising unparalleled growth.  Now that businesses have adapted to their new shiny tech, it’s time for them to mature.

According to this article there are 5 key areas to look at when it comes to cloud maturity.

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Now these 5 areas are somewhat arbitrary, admittedly vague, and might even seem inapplicable to your business.  But I urge you to keep an open mind because the underlying concepts highlighted here are relevant to businesses of all sizes.  So without further adieu, here’s what maturity means to a businesses leveraging the cloud:

  • Scale What You’ve Got – As dynamic as business and demand can be, a programmatic cloud will deliver resources where needed
  • Rapid Deployment – New apps and features can roll out faster
  • Secure Systems – Cloud solutions can ensure that data, access and availability demands are fulfilled while enhancing security posture
  • Global Growth – Services can be deployed to any corner of the world using cloud-based geo-specific resources and scale capabilities
  • Adapt to New Work Requirements – As workers and customers engage with the business in new ways, cloud helps deliver and protect information wherever people are
  • Future-Proof and Flexibility – Features such as cloud resiliency, multi-cloud, and rapid deployment can help organizations better deal with operational risks

Now I know that’s a mouthful, and we may have touched on some terms that you may not be familiar with.  That’s okay because if anything in this list or on this video has raised any questions, Engler IT is here help you answer them.  Check us out at englerit.com.  There’s a link in the description.  Thank you for watching.  Cheers to your success.